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    “知名学者论坛”系列学术报告——Hung P. Tong-Viet副教授(宾汉姆顿大学)

    作者: 时间:2023-03-23 浏览次数:

    讲座题目Conjugacy classes of p-elements and normal p-complements


    报告专家:Hung P. Tong-Viet


    报告地点:Zoom会议(ID871 1750 2061 密码:666888)

    专家简介:Hung P. Tong-VietPh.D., 2009, University of Birmingham (UK),现为美国 Binghamton University 副教授。群论杂志编辑,在高级别杂志发表文章60多篇。早期工作解决了Huppert刻画单群的猜想的弱形式(包含特征标重数),也对部分低阶李型单群证明了Huppert刻画单群的猜想。在2017年与张继平院士合作证明了Huppert刻画单群猜想的所有交错群情况。近期对于实共轭类与实特征标的算术性质也颇有建树。

    报告摘要:The commuting probability d(G) of a finite group G (introduced by Erdös and Turán in 1968), is defined to be the probability that two randomly chosen elements of G commute. The commuting probability d(G) is also called the commutativity degree of G. Erdös and Turán show that d(G)=k(G)/|G|, where k(G) is number of conjugacy classes of G. In 1973, W. H. Gustafson proved that d(G)≤5/8 for any non-abelian group G. Since then, there are numerous results concerning the structure of finite groups using various bounds on the commuting probability. In this talk, I will consider a p-local version of the commuting probability. Specifically, for a prime p, we define d_p(G) to be the ratio k_p(G)/|G|, where k_p(G) is the number of conjugacy classes of p-elements of G and P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Using the invariant d_p(G), we obtain some new criteria for the existence of normal p-complements in finite groups.

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