讲座题目:Singularity formation for the heat flow of the H-system
报告专家:周一夫 教授
报告人简介:周一夫,武汉大学教授、博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才计划,2020年博士毕业于英属哥伦比亚大学,2020年至2023年在约翰斯霍普金斯大学从事博士后研究。主要研究方向为非线性抛物方程中的爆破现象与长时间行为,相关文章发表在CPAM, ARMA, Math Ann, CVPDE等期刊上。
报告摘要:In this talk, we shall briefly report a recent gluing construction of finite-time blow-up for the heat flow of the H-system, describing the evolution of surfaces with constant mean curvature. One key observation is a decoupling property of the system at linear level, and as a by-product, non-degeneracy of H-bubbles with higher degree is shown. This is a joint work with Y. Sire (JHU), J. Wei (UBC) and Y. Zheng (TJU).